Thursday, March 09, 2006

Hello, cruel world...

There you go... this is the team I work with... the Toledo Cherokee Hockey Club. I threw a collage of pictures together. I even snuck a very rare picture of me in there. Reason for the rarity of pictures of me? Call it a long battle of many years of low self esteem. I very seldom take pictures... But I've been shooting my mouth off to a number of you about taking risks and having hope and going out of your comfort zone to achieve goals and to risk (heaven forbid) being happy. So I decided that I had to take a spoonful of my own medicine and here I am... I'm the one in the picture with the Dilbert tie on...


Anonymous said...

I spotted you right away. You should get in front of the camera more often. Nice! :)

Anonymous said...

hey there mik! :) It's good to finally see you. I like the Dilbert tie :)