Saturday, February 18, 2006

A Very Long Day...

I am one tired puppy. I got to bed about 2am and had to be at work by 5:30am this morning. I was happy though because nobody was around so I could wear jeans and a sweat shirt... Had a good day at work and came home and took a nap for a half an hour before I went to the rink to broadcast the game. The Cherokee were just plain awful. We lost to the Motor City Chiefs by a 5-1 score. I was thinking about what kind of headline to use for the press release....

“Cherokee Scalped By Chiefs 5-1”
“Too Many Chiefs, Not Enough Indians”
“Toledo Blows Tribal Battle to Motor City 5-1”
“This Team Whizzes...” (oops, just some personal frustration creeping in... sorry)

Actually, we fell into fourth place with this loss. We play Columbus next weekend and should beat them. At least I hope so... The top four teams get home ice advantage in the playoffs. There's a log jam in the standings. Toledo could end up as high as second, and as low as eighth. No one will catch St. Louis. Ugh! I had a pretty good day today. I thought about my old girlfriend for a few minutes today and it didn't hurt. The longer the time passes, the less I think about her or any other women for that matter. I've been making friends online and I think I just want to take a break from the dating scene for a while and see if I can figure out some things about myself. I've gotten some positive feedback and that's been nice. Instead of trying to be this or that, I just want to BE...Well, I'm going to catch some sleep so I can attempt to get up and go to church in the morning so good night. I hope you all are doing well...


Tony Grant said...

Say a prayer for me!! Thanks for stopping by. Come again.

Mik said...

You got it Tony! And yeah, I'll be by and read your blog... Count on it!

Anonymous said...

I like the 2nd title. Don't feel too bad :) My Kentucky Wildcats aren't great this year either :(

I'm off to church too :)

Mik said...

Thanks Jackson and Ophelia for your words... Jackson, I am still not sure what I will write for such a lame effort but... And Ophelia, always know, you can never have enough friends in this world. They all help you to grow and become a complete person. People like you and Jackson have already helped me to grow a little more over the last several days. and as far as me supporting you is concerned, I don't keep score as to who is helping who the most. Being a friend is simply being a friend whether it's being supportive some of the time or all of the time. That's how friendship works. I hope you both keep a smile on your faces and hope in your hearts...