Monday, February 27, 2006

A Family Biography... A Family Geography

My few days of vacation are now over so it's back to work I go... I am so happy or could you tell? I showed up to work and when my boss saw me, decided to ask me about how I was doing. Of course she wanted to know how I was about a variety of things... I was still smarting over the weekend waterworks at my father's place. I am feeling a wee bit better. I went over there after work tonight and checked out how the flooring was... it was dry. Cold but dry. I was very happy about that. I hope things will work out. I've already got enough on my plate with other things. Went and saw my sister tonight. She's doing a lot better as she is making progress from having a major part of her foot amputated. She is going to get fitted for special shoe so that she can walk normally. She's looking forward to that. I was talking with my nephew about college. He is talking about 3 different schools where he might go. One local school here, one a moderate distance away, and one way down south. I'm hoping he'll go somewhere close where I can go see him play football. We'll see what happens.
I'm sitting here now and letting random thoughts go through my head... I am getting less than excited to meet my future brother in law. Not because I don't like him. To the contrary, I think very highly of him. But he's from Tennessee and when he comes up here in another week or so, he's going to want me to help him put another roof on my other sister's house... in the middle of winter... oh joy! He and my sister met online. She is a cancer survivor (so is he) and they met in a chat room. Normally, I am very hesitant about online dating etc, because you don't know who's out there. This one actually worked. She's 47 and he's 56... So I didn't say much because they are both adults and a little older so they can make their own decisions. They took their time (over two years) and really got along well... He's been up several times and is a gentleman. My family put him through the 'interrogation'... and he passed with flying colors. He's a forest park ranger so I am happy for the two of them. They've talked rings. I'm all for it. The biggest problem my sister has is that she doesn't want to leave her family and friends here in Ohio. But I think she knows that if they're going to make it work, she would be better served if she moved down to Tennessee. But we'll see what happens there... Good for them. I could write more but I think I'll just call it a night and tuck myself in for the evening... nighty night.


Mik said...

Thank you Ophelia. However it must be said that whether there are 20 or even if there is only one dear person in your world, they are all dear people... no less important. And those that aren't with us, whether they be children or parents or siblings or friends, as long as we love them, they will always be a part of us. They will always be alive in our hearts... Some day the pain of missing them will be replaced by the joy of having been a part of their lives... however long that may have been.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about my mamaw who died in 97 just last night. Dad actually had a revelation/vision whatever of me and mamaw meeting in heaven and mamaw seeing me running. When I was little she saw me run but for the last couple years of her life I was in a wc. I dunno it was a happy thought :)

Mik said...

JXN, It sounds to me like he was seeing the past (mamaw) meet the future (guess who?). Two women who mean a tremendous deal to him... Maybe I'm way off the mark... I don't know... but yeah, I think it seems to be a very positive, pleasant thing...

Maggs said...

So why don't YOU give online dating a shot?

Mik said...

I'm old fashioned Maggs... I meet girls the old fashioned way... I pick them up in bars... hahaha...
Only kidding. I'm too burnt to a crisp emotionally to try and date again. At least not right now... Maybe someday... say, 2023?