Thursday, February 16, 2006

My Intro to Blogger... And to YOU!

Today is day one on blogger as I've spent the last six months on AOL journals with my journal there. My original idea when I first began to journal over on that one was to be topical on a wide variety of subjects. I started on my birthday in July and the very next day, my dad passed away. Not a great start. Then, I got together with a girl who always swore she'd never give me a chance romantically. Well in September, we became a couple. It only lasted two months. She felt my kiss was too hard one morning and said it felt 'forced' and reminded her of her turbulent past. So she broke my heart again. I've spent the last 3 months writing about her and going through my own thoughts and emotions, trying to find the wherewithal to move on. I'm slowly starting to do just that.
My name is Mik, I'm 41 and live in the States. Toledo, Ohio to be precise... Hope to make some new friends as I write about my life... both good and bad... I love sports, I'm also a sports broadcaster (telephone operator by day), but I also like a lot of things that have nothing to do with sports. I am trying to discover more about myself... So hopefully this will be a big part of it. I am going to continue with my aol journal too... BUT, I'll just copy and paste from here so that both have exactly the same content... God Bless and hope to talk to y'all soon...

1 comment:

Maggs said...

Hey Mik,
when is your birthday? Might want to shoot me an email, I will probably forget to check back here.