Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Teed off On Life...

Well the news was pretty grim for my sister Terri. The cancer is not only back, but its spread all over. Her stomach wall, her chest wall, and the prognosis is not good. This was just a lousy day yesterday. It was my kid sister’s birthday and when she found out about Terri, she sat and just cried and cried. Terri felt like she ruined Angie’s birthday. I wanted to get mad because that was so not true. Terri didn’t ask for this (expletive deleted) disease. She wants no part of it. She didn’t try to upstage her little sister by letting us know what the results were. We knew she was going to get the results back on Tuesday. Still, Terri felt horrible about (in her mind) “ruining” Angie’s birthday… I talked with Terri a couple of times yesterday and she is still trying to come to terms with facing her own mortality. As she so eloquently put it: “Today (Tuesday) was not one of my better days.” If that isn’t the understatement of the year…
I was heading home and trying to put things in perspective. It just didn’t seem fair to me. It goes back to that all too familiar question; God, why do bad things happen to good people? I know God has His reasons for everything. But I keep thinking that Terri still wants very much to live. She is a school teacher and wants to impact the lives of the children she teaches. Virtually every class that goes through cites Terri as their very favorite teacher. She has such a genuine heart for children. She gave up her teenage years after my mom died to raise our family and keep us together somehow. My sister Lou is in an ECF trying to rehab to where she can get out of there and get back to trying to deal with her leukemia. The one person who is there helping her day after monotonous day, is Terri. And Terri’s reward for all that she does? She gets this… THIS????


Anonymous said...

Sometimes people don't receive their rewards here on earth. I know when I look around it seems like most of the ones who are trul
y living for God never get their reward and then you see someone who doesn't seem to give God much thought at all get everything. Me and Misti have discussed this a lot since her dad died with pancreatic cancer a couple of years ago. Her dad was a zealot for Christ andd proclaimed His name everywhere. He proclaimed it so much and so loudly that a lot of people even other so called Christians thought he was crazy. Like I said he got cancer but he wanted to live so bad and he believed God could heal him if He chose to. He didn't and he died but............when he died people who doubted paul before and called him crazy were suddenly woken up to the things he had said in his life. He is still remembered and celebrated as a man after God's own heart. I can only imagine what kind of reception he got in heaven! That was his reward!

Sundae said...

Mik, I am so sorry to hear about the news of your sister. Sometimes there just does not seem to be any sense made out of the things that happen to good people. I have never understood why my sweet Jackson has had to live the life she has. She does it with dignity and grace, but why? Your family is going through a lot right now and I will pray for them and for you. Try to keep your faith in God. I know that when it seems like everything in your life is falling apart, you wonder...where are you God? But, you have to believe that he has a plan for you life and that we have to take what is given. We have no choice. Trust in him to see your sisters and yourself through. I am trying to do that myself right now. You take care of yourself and know that you KY friends are on their knees praying for your family. Take care my friend.