Monday, August 28, 2006

Sleeping Through My Day...

ZZZZZzzzzzzzz... Oh! Hi !!!!
I have nodded off while trying to write this little post. I fell asleep last night when my intention was to watch pre-season football. I woke up this morning to 'Fox and Friends' waking up out of a sound sleep, laughing. That's what happens when I try to sleep while Steve, E. D. and Brian are on... Steve had an ink pen explode in his hand and spent the entire show trying to figure out how to get the ink out of his hand. Nothing worked. It was comical... Went to work and my boss was telling me how someone got a hold of her checking acct. number AND her router number to allow for withdrawals... and she has never, ever, done any business online for anything! Wow! I guess you never know, huh?
I left work and was going to go home (in a massive rain storm), but something told me to stop by my sister's house and check on her. Lou seems to be doing a little bit better, so that's a huge thing. She bought a new car and I stood out in the rain and looked at it... It was saaweeeeet! I talked to Lou for a while. She said that outside of the nausea and vomitting from the chemo, that she actually feels better. She has more hope than she did last week. And also, so does her doctors. That made me feel a lot more chipper today. My other sister filed a grievance over her getting laid off from her teaching job and everyone from the school system to the folks handling her grievance feel she will win her case. Plus, Lou told me that there are several openings in the school system so it shouldn't be a problem. I'm hopeful. I came home and had the gourmet meal (also the traditional single guy's meal): hot dogs and potato chips with orange crystal light... and a creamsicle for dessert. All that was missing was the blonde bombshell and a mariachi band... ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......

1 comment:

Maggs said... dogs and orange crystal light. Not thinking that'd be good for digestion.