Sunday, August 17, 2008

keeping on... keeping on...

Just checking in from the pier...
Here's a couple of photos featuring my godzilla-sized skull and my much more attractive better half... she has no idea how beautiful she is... That she loves me is something that I don't take for granted. I only pray that I can keep doing the right things to keep her feeling that way. I think about it and I notice the difference between this relationship and any other relationship I've been in, is that even though some time has passed, both she and I still look at each other as if we were just starting out... namely in the beginning of a relationship, you get all goo-goo eyed, and you're punch drunk and you can't wait to just spend all kinds of time with that person. You'll make accommodations for that person because you want to be with them. You're so smitten with them that it doesn't matter what you're doing as long as you're with them. Well, the gal pal and I still feel that way about each other. But the reason for that is because we both realized that with people breaking up left and right all over the place, the one thing we're both committed to is what you do when you're first smitten with that other person in the beginning of the relationship... you think about the other person FIRST before you think about yourself. That's what you do in the beginning of a relationship (hence, the goo-goo eyes, the "I love everything" feeling, the willingness to go anywhere or do anything with that person so long as you're wth them)... Because I don't get to spend as much time with the gal pal as we'd like, I don't think about myself when I see her, I think about her first. And she feels that way about me. I think that's why we get along so well. We're both committed to keeping that train of thought entact...
Went to go see Lou at rehab... she has been really struggling with some short term memory loss, and just feeling overall awful at times. But I went and seen her and she was able to remember things about me and was in a mood. So I wasn't happy for that. When I first got there, she was very, very depressed. But when I got there and she told me she had been experiencing the diahrrea blues... my first comment was "oh, so you're full of sh**, so what else is new? I've known that for years..." I thought Lou's mouth was going to fall off of her face... She was not expecting that from her little brother. At least not quite like that... I surprised her with that. We explained that the anti-biotic she is on right now for the next few days, was the reason for her making frequent BM's. Once she grasped that concept, she was okay with that and when she and Terri started picking on me about my gal pal and our relationship, she felt much, much better and by the time I left, she was laughing and felt a lot more upbeat.
So, another week of work lies ahead for me, and the start of broadcasting high school football games on Toledo Sports Radio online. I'm looking forward to it. But it means my schedule becomes very hectic and I won't get to see my gal pal as much I want to. But I'm blessed in that she understands and is so encouraging for me to do the job I love. One of many jobs that I love... The one job I look forward to the most??? Oh, that's easy... loving her... no question about it... Y'all have a great week...

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