Saturday, April 17, 2010

An Occasional Setback...

Terri's in the hospital again as the chemo she had been on before this latest one (that she is allergic to) had done damage to her body and she was feeling like crap. Well, she discovered also that this chemo treatment every three weeks is dehydrating her so bad that it's hurting her kidneys. So when she gets out of the hospital, she's going to have IV therapy at home and see if that works. She's got chemo again on monday. I don't know how she does it. I really don't. She still has her days that she just wants to quit, but overcomes those times a whole lot stronger than I ever could.


Sage Ravenwood said...

Your sister is a very courageous, inspiring woman. May we all love life as much as she obviously does. For why else fight so bravely...You and your sister are in my thoughts and prayers on the smoke. (Hugs)Indigo

Melanie said...

My prayers are with you and your sister.


Carolyn said...

Mik, she's incredible- but I guess you don't need me to tell you that. She and you and Lou are always in my prayers Mik. I'm sending this to the prayer chain again OK? God Bless and keep the faith you.

Anonymous said...
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ADB said...

I hope Terri will have improved by now. She is a fighter, and an example to many.

By the way, you need to delete the two spam comments between Carolyn's and mine - maybe put in comment moderation, as you are not a frequent poster.