Wednesday, November 18, 2009

When Life Throws a Curve Ball...

I'm just kicking back and taking it easy right now... Weird crap can sneak up on you when you aren't looking. One of our supervisors at work is finding that out firsthand. It isn't weird crap... It's life and death. She went into the emergency room yesterday cause she wasn't feeling good. She got a diagnosis today... pancreatic cancer. Wholly crap! Talk about a slap to the face or a sucker punch to the guts... I sat there stunned. The diagnosis they gave her: it's terminal. I feel so horrible. The people at work all just kind of sat numb. I don't know her that well, but it hit close to home. I think about my sister and how she is hanging on with her cancer battle and I have really come to appreciate what she's going through. Life can be such a precious and delicate thing. Many times it's unappreciated or more likely than not, taken for granted. I just know that I'm approaching middle age and feel like I'm 90 sometimes, but when I see people who are suffering and dancing with their mortality, I stop complaining about what aches me and I feel so grateful to be alive. You pray and you hope for the best. And for pete's sake, LIVE and enjoy life... even if it's just deciding to be in a good mood when you don't feel like it. LIVE and LOVE...


Helen said...

What a shock that had to have been. Sending up prayers for her. Helen

Sage Ravenwood said...

I can't imagine that kind of news. I remember when I was first diagnosed with Emphysema the look on Paul's face. All I could do was smile and say it could be worse. True the breathing issue gets to me some days. When it does I remind myself of those same sentiments. Humans have such short and frail lives. How could we ever waste in hate and regret. (Hugs)Indigo

ADB said...

That's a shock and no mistake, Mik. It serves as a warning to us all - anything can crop up at any time that will scupper all our nicely laid plans.

Be well,

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