Sunday, August 01, 2010

ID Please...

I'm about to do something I've never done before in all my years of nuttiness. I'm going to go get my passport. Well, actually, I'm getting my passport card which is for Canada and Mexico land travel. I'm going to go over the border to Canada to watch an exhibition basketball game between the University of Windsor and the University of Kentucky. These days you need passport or passport card to travel between the U.S. and Canada so I'm going to blow over a hundred bucks for an ID card to travel 40 minutes from my house to go watch a basketball between two schools that doesn't actually count towards anything. Makes sense, don't ya think? I guess that will encourage me to go over the border more often like I used to when I was younger. But most of my free time, what little I have, is spent going to see the gal pal. But I'm looking forward to seeing how this process of obtaining this ID is going to play out. How long will it take? How much paper work is involved? It should be humorous, I hope!


Carolyn said...

Good luck eh Mik! I need to still get mine too, although I need to get a Canadian one. I could become a citizen, and then get an American one, but that would cost... uh, well about a hundred for the passport AFTER the seven hundred to become a citizen. Either way, I have to get another copy of my birth certificate (I think I never got the original back after my last time to INS to renew my "greencard"- at least I've not been able to find it since then) so, seeing as I have to send to Canada for it, I have to get all my other "papers" together to prove who I am to get the birth certificate LOL, so thats about 70 bucks, then months and a couple hundred more for a passport. Ah crap, I'll just wait for my family to come down here to visit! LOL Sorry Mik, but you got me on a roll with that one! God Bless, and hey, have a Tim Horton's donut and some real back bacon for me while you're there, eh! :-)

Ken Riches said...

Got our Passports a few years ago for a cruise, have never regretted it.

Joann said...

It's always good to have a passport... you never know when someone might want to whisk you away to Paris for dinner, or a french cafe for breakfast..... Well, that's what I got mine for.... still waiting!! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

The process here is much more streamlined now. I want the gal pal to get one too(if she has not already), so you can do some co-travel. ~Mary

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

I'm betting it will take approximately three times as long to get updated as it does for you to attend the actual event.