Saturday, March 27, 2010

Stress? Never Heard Of It...

I am soooooooo tired.
Lou is starting to get back to her old self... FINALLY! She was moved to the rehabilitation unit which basically is an extended care facility. But for her, it's not permanent. Thank the Lord. In fact, she has been getting real antsy cause she wants to go home. I went and visited her and all she could talk about was that she wanted to get out of there. The problem is that she needs care right now 24/7 and the home visiting nurse is only for part of the daytime. So she needs to strengthen up in physical rehab and that will give Terri a break too as she has to have chemo that she's allergic to and she'll be down for a while. It's been a pretty heavy duty stressful time for our family but life goes on. I have to get my poop in a group cause my car is acting up a bit and needs work and it's just a bunch of little things right now that are making life challenging. But I'm not giving in to the desire to have a pity party. Life can whiz sometimes but I knew that there would be times like this. But like the Good Book says... "Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world..."


Melanie said...

glad to hear everyone is doing better.


Ken Riches said...

Pleased as punch that things continue to move in the positive direction :o)

Sage Ravenwood said...

Some days all you can do is hold up your head and keep smiling. I'm so glad to hear Lou's condition is improving. (Hugs)Indigo

Helen said...

Good to hear that Lou is doing better. I pray that Terri's reaction to the chemo will be easier this go round. I hope you get that car fixed soon. Prayers for all of you. Helen